Like many of my other oddly named towns, there's not a ton of information about Monkeys Eyebrow. It's an unincorporated community on the western side of Kentucky in Ballard County, and no one seems sure how it got its great name. Some say that a map of the county resembles a monkey's head, and Monkeys Eyebrow is - you guessed it - where the eyebrow would be. Monkeys Eyebrow does have a Wikipedia article, which features this riveting tale of its history:
There were two Monkey's Eyebrows, commonly known as Old Monkey and New Monkey. One was at the top of a small hill, the other at the bottom. There were stores at both locations. Today, there are no stores.
Well that's kind of a bleak ending. Guess you have to go to nearby Possum Trot to do your shopping.
Here's another good one!