Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A marvelous dancer!

I took dance lessons for ten years. I took tap and jazz and ballet. I loved it, but I was never as good as this prairie dog.

I've considered taking up dancing again, but I'd never reach these sorts of creative heights.



  1. I can't believe Disney hasn't made a movie of the dancing prairie dog ballerina. Now I have that theme music of prairie dog on point in my head.

    And what's with the Chinese characters at the top? Are we exploring prairie dogs? I guess they and red fox pups are our biggest U.S. export. Or those and guns.

    Thank you, Ophelia, for posting this. i needed some levity.

  2. oops. that's "exporting" prairie dogs. We might be exploring them as talent sources, since musicians have gotten too expensive, so they are replaced by a keyboard wizard becoming an entire (and synthetic) orchestra. so why not replace the dancers for cute, fuzzy creatures who will work for water and prairie grub.

  3. This video makes me wonder about the many other types of rodents that would look cute in a tutu. Bats would be totally adorable.
