Thursday, August 9, 2012

An educational cab ride

On Sunday evening, Sam and I headed to 2Amy's with our good friend Doc Boyle.  It was raining and there were no buses in sight, so we decided to splurge on a cab... AND THANK GOD WE DID!  We were treated to one of the most friendly, convivial and delightful cab drivers I've ever encountered.  Here is the conversation we had:

Driver: Where are all of you from?  I'm from right here in the District, I bet you are not!
Sam: I was born in PG County, but I grew up in Northeast.
Me: I'm from Mississippi.
Driver: Oh my goodness.  You are far from home!  That is so far away I can't even think about it. 
Me: Wait til you hear how far away our friend's home is. 
Doc Boyle: Guess where I'm from.
Driver: If it's farther than Mississippi, I can't even think about it.  I cannot even guess.
Doc Boyle: I'm from California.
Driver: Well that's where OJ lives!
Driver: Yeah, that's where OJ lives!  He lives in Brentwood, nice neighborhood.
Sam: I think he lives in prison now, actually.
Driver: Oh that's right!  They finally did get him, didn't they?  You think he killed Nicole?
Doc Boyle: Well, what does the evidence suggest?
Driver: It didn't fit and they had to acquit.  You know what I heard, that they didn't talk about?  His dog was there!  His dog was in the house when she was killed and he saw everything.
Me: How unfortunate for the dog.
Driver: And they got that dog up on the stand, and they said - 'Dog, who killed Nicole?' - and the dog says 'AROOO, WOOF, AROO-OO-OH-OH-OH.'  He got out the O, but he could't say J - so it didn't fit, and they had to acquit!

Unfortunately by then we had arrived at our destination and had to part ways with this gentleman.  We gave him a 120% tip. 

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