Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mind = BLOWN

I take back my earlier insinuations that Nicholas Sparks is anything less than a genuis. I am a mere 16 pages into his novel The Last Song, and it's already clear to me that he is a master of wordsmithery. CHECK IT:

"Middle age, he sometimes thought, had made him as reflective as a mirror."

I remember first learning in grade school about similes... but I was not warned about the heights to which they could really take a reader.

I feel like I've been punched in the gut with emotion!


  1. He thinks that he writes along the same lines as Hemingway, and that he's better than Cormack McCarthy. Riiiiiiight. Go find an even tighter black t-shirt to wear, Nicholas Sparks.

  2. I had to reevaluate a friendship when someone said they loved ALL nicholas sparks book on their facebook.
