Friday, July 6, 2012

Finances, Pandas

I just signed up for, a personal finance tool recommended to me by my trusty partner in crime Syd.  It puts together all your accounts - checking, saving, credit cards, etc - and helps you budget for all your expenses.  It's really quite fascinating if, like me, you are not in the habit of keeping close track of exactly what you are spending on what things.  It was at once enlightening, depressing and horrifying.  What it all boils down to is exactly what I knew before - I don't make very much money, and I have a lot of expenses.  While there are a lot of things I could cut out (new clothes, movies, expensive dinners), there are also things that won't go away, like rent, student loans, and credit card debt.  The solutions for this problem are so incredibly overwhelming - get a higher paying job, find a cheaper apartment, stop going out to dinner so much (that one will never happen; in fact I am going out to dinner tonight!) - that I'm  just going to watch this video of baby pandas going down a slide instead. 

And now I feel better.  Phew!  That dinner out tonight will be delicious. 


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