Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

To be honest, I totally forgot it was Cinco de Mayo yesterday, until I was walking home on U Street and there were drunken bridge and tunnel louts stumbling all over the place, being lame, and generally interfering with my get along. I decided to look up Cinco de Mayo on Wikipedia and learn a bit more about the holiday:

"The date is perhaps best recognized in the United States as a date to celebrate the culture and experiences of Americans of Mexican ancestry, much as St. Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest, and the Chinese New Year are used to celebrate those of Irish, German, and Chinese ancestry respectively. Similar to those holidays, Cinco de Mayo is observed by many Americans regardless of ethnic origin. Celebrations tend to draw both from traditional Mexican symbols, such as the Virgen de Guadalupe, and from prominent figures of Mexican descent in the United States, including César Chávez. To celebrate, many display Cinco de Mayo banners while school districts hold special events to educate pupils about its historical significance. Special events and celebrations highlight Mexican culture, especially in its music and regional dancing."

Well that is great!

So is this!

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