You've already heard about last month's
mind blowing USA Today article in which Nicholas Sparks compares himself to some of history's greatest writers. You've already started agog at your computer screen, scrathing your head over whether he could truly believe that "A Farewell to Arms, by Hemingway. Good stuff. That's what I write." And you have heard his disparaging comments about Cormac McCarthy, and - oddly - that Mr. McCarthy "deserves" to have bad things said about him. That is all old news.
What is new news, though, is a that I am going to get to the bottom of this controversy. I have been to the bookstore and I have purchased a copy of
The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks and
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy (THAT combo got me some interesting looks at the cash register). I am going to read both of these, and I am going to determine who, in fact, is the better writer. Here is hoping at the end of it all I don't look like this guy!