Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Unexpected Nudity

I went to college in Northern Ohio, and got my first cell phone while there. Though I've moved many times since graduating, I've retained that number. As such, I tend to get a lot of wrong numbers from methheads in rural Lorain County who are too effed up to dial the phone properly. This morning, however, I got something new - a wrong text from some in the 440. And it was photo text! In fact, it was a SLIDESHOW photo text, a feat I did not even know was possible. The text flashed through five photos of topless women with gargantuan, out of proportion, no way those ever occured naturally breasts. I'd not yet had my coffee - it was 6:48am - and all I could do was stare, wide-eyed, wondering what the hell was going on. The final photo featured the caption "today is national send a bud a boob day pass these puppies around".

Thanks? I am so disturbed right now.


  1. Oh man, please write something back! Pretend to be a nun. Or a Mormon.

  2. even if you're all about gross out boobs, how does 6:48am enter the equation?

    and also i've never understood dudes sharing nudity with other dudes. seeking boners with friends, as King Missile so eloquently explained, is gay.

  3. Syd, I thought about writing him back and explaining that I didn't think I was the target audience, as a female with a miniscule chest.

    DLW, I'll forward along to you first thing tomorrow so you can get the experience as well!

  4. 6:48am in the morning is too early for me to see even my own gigantic (real) boobies, let alone some stranger's faux-melons in the buff.

